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Personal Belongings - Please Sign Up!

Friday, June 5, 2020 - 09:00 to 16:00
Holy Cross School

Dear Families,

I hope that all is well. It is so hard to believe that we are now beginning the month of June. Thank you for all that you have done in order to work with us to support learning in your home. We know how much of a challenge this has been with all that has been going on and the staff at Holy Cross appreciates your commitment and dedication.

We do have some good news. The local health authorities have been working with our school board staff to make it possible for children to pick up their belongings from school. We have two dates this week when families can come with their child(ren) to pick up their belongings.

Before being permitted to enter the school, students and family members must conduct an online self-assessment. Click on this link Access will only be granted to those who have satisfied all self-assessment questions.

We have very strict guidelines established by the Brant County Health Unit that we must set up and follow so that we can make certain that the safety of staff and family members is protected. Please see the list of information below for details and instructions:

DATES: Wednesday, June 3rd and Friday, June 5th from 9:00 – 4:00. These are the only two dates available for students and families to have access to the school. There will be no exceptions.

  1. Click on this link to book a time for your family: Book your day and time here.
  2. Families of 1 -2 students will have 10 minutes and will choose one time slot. Example: a family with 2 students can sign up for a 10:30 time slot only.
  3. Families of 3-4 children will have 20 minutes and will choose two consecutive time slots. Example: a family with 4 students can sign up for a 10:30 time slot AND a 10:45 time slot.
  4. You must leave the building by the end of your allocated time.
  5. Bring a bag or a box with you to retrieve your child’s items.
  6. Entrance into the school will only be granted at the front door and families must also exit the school by the front door.
  7. If your child is in a portable you may go directly to the portable.
  8. We are limited to five people in one classroom at any time, including staff who will present in the classroom to assist you.
  9. Only one adult per family and only children who are students at the school will be permitted to enter.
  10. Everyone in the building will maintain a physical distance of at least two (2) metres (or 6 feet) at all times and follow hand hygiene and cough etiquette protocols.
  11. You must wash/sanitize your hands when you enter and leave the building.
  12. Please return any library or classroom books to your child’s classroom teacher, but please do not bring any other items to leave at the school.
  13. The school has been cleaned and sanitized to prepare for this and this will be repeated after each of the access days.
  14. Any unclaimed items will be disposed of by June 26th at the latest.

Thank you,
John McDermid